Discussion topic: Since having the stream set up on monday, the voices dont match the people’s faces.

This message was authored by LindseyJones This message was authored by: LindseyJones

Since having the stream set up on monday, the voices dont match the people’s faces.

Since having my sky stream put in Monday, the voices dont match the people's faces, on ever channel is slow. and unbearable to watch. We have tried putting the wifi off and the tv but nothing seems to be working! 


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This message was authored by Fothergill1 This message was authored by: Fothergill1

Re: Since having the stream set up on monday, the voices dont match the people’s faces.

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Hi @LindseyJones welcome to the forum.  This is a known issue which Sky are working to fix but it is taking a while.  The temporary workaround they suggest whilst the try to fix it is to change your audio settings to PCM or Passthrough.  On my setup PCM seems to have sound drop outs so I have set mine to Dolby Digital Plus which seems to work for me.


There is a fairly comprehensive thread on the issue HERE

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