11 Feb 2024 05:16 PM - last edited: 11 Feb 2024 05:17 PM
@JEFF1102 I suspect that Sky may enforce the 18 months in the future and of course they've every right to do so, they've just decided not to at this time. It provides them the option if they so wish, but for now, anyone in an 18 month contract with Sky stream isn't tied in. Don't forget when Sky glass first started there was no option for an 18 month contract. Everything was on a monthly contract
11 Feb 2024 05:17 PM
@Fothergill1 when you cancel UHD or Ad Skipping it ends the day before your next billing date not 31 days later. You don't get any offer or chance to resubscribe until it ends. Then check and it may be free for another 2 or 3 months or may show full price. In the case of UHD I have had this free since last April. Ad Skipping I have paid for three times and had about six months free. If you cancel UHD too early though it will add a charge for the remaining free period but as skipping will not.
11 Feb 2024 05:19 PM
I never pay for ad skipping, kids or UHD. I just take the offers, cancel and then a new offer comes up for all three of them everytime. I have had all three for the past 12 months and never paid a penny for kids, UHD or ad skipping
11 Feb 2024 06:25 PM
@Jason+Golding That's why I got annoyed at the advisor who said I should not do this and just take up one offer and then pay. If they offer it free again then why not take up the offer. Do you cancel UHD at the last moment. I ask this as last time I cancelled three weeks before and it added a £4.20 charge which I would not have had if I had not cancelled at that point, when I queried it I got nowhere. It was the stroppy advisor who did not see what I meant. This time I phoned and asked to cancel and they had to add a credit to cover the charge. This does not happen with ad skipping. Maybe have to cancel one day before.