Discussion topic: Are definitely going to renew Sky Stream?

This message was authored by Bill051 This message was authored by: Bill051

Are definitely going to renew Sky Stream?

I'm a year in to my subscription and wondering whether to renew. Based on what I've watched I.m leaning toward leaving and getting Discovery Plus direct and watching on my Firestick.
Has anyone on here renewed?

Sky Broadband, Sky Stream via ethernet
Amazon Firestick
Previously VM

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This message was authored by Fothergill1 This message was authored by: Fothergill1

Re: Are definitely going to renew Sky Stream?

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Hi @Bill051 You should not need to renew as you will automatically move to a 31 day rolling contract.  If you did decide to actually renew your contract in the hope of a better deal you would then be tied into the contract for 24 months which is currently the minimum period.


I moved from Sky Q 2.5 years ago and love my Stream puck.  Admittedly it is not perfect but what is these days.  Any issues I get are almost always resolved by a simple reboot of the puck (just like I had to do with Sky Q).

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This message was authored by CoffeeDrinker This message was authored by: CoffeeDrinker

Re: Are definitely going to renew Sky Stream?

It all depends on what you are watching and are you getting your money's worth? Any renewal price will not match any introductory/new customer offer you may have had, even with the usual haggling and brinkmanship over the phone.


We've just come out of our 18 month introductory offer on Glass & Stream, which includes Sky Entertainment & Netflix, Sky Cinema (including Paramount+), Whole Home & 4K UHD & Atmos. Our monthly TV subscription cost is therefore going up. We watch enough Sky Atlantic & Sky Arts material to warrant the Entertainment pack, our son lives in Netflix and my film buff wife & I watch enough Sky Cinema in 4K & 5.1.2 Atmos to warrant the expense there. We'd be subscribing seperately to Paramount+ for the various Star Trek series alone to consider Sky Cinema even better value. And we also make use of the monthly free Vue tickets.


My wife is also happier paying the extra for all of the above via Sky than the same via NowTV + seperate Netflix & Paramount+ as she strongly prefers Sky's user interface and not having to worry about which app/service any given show or film might be in.


What were you watching on Sky? Anything in the basic Enterainment & Netflix package? Any Sky Sports or Sky Cinema? If so, were you getting your money's worth each month? If not, you could well be better off just pick n'mixing what you want via Discovery, Now TV, Netflix etc and saving by just subscribing to those specific services. This could be even more the case if you're happy with your Fire Stick's user interface and Sky's isn't worth the extra expense to you.





Sky Glass & Stream Puck customer w/Sky Entertainments & Netflix, Sky Cinema, Whole Home & UHD/Dolby Atmos add-on.
This message was authored by Exiled-in-HH This message was authored by: Exiled-in-HH

Re: Are definitely going to renew Sky Stream?

NOWTV is a good way to continue occasional access to Sky's subscription channels😊


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