Discussion topic: No uhd option to rent on store

This message was authored by howdy12 This message was authored by: howdy12

No uhd option to rent on store

I have sky glass and subscribe to uhd. I know you cannot buy uhd movies through sky store,  but you could rent new content. On my sky store app through sky glass there's no option to even rent in uhd. The premiere of wicked for example only shows two options buy in hd for 19.99 or rent in hd for 4.99, has sky store stopped renting in uhd as well?


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This message was authored by caesarome This message was authored by: caesarome

Re: No uhd option to rent on store

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Where available UHD should be an option as we do see people in error who have rented a UHD title that they can not view and asking how to then change it to an HD version.

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This message was authored by howdy12 This message was authored by: howdy12

Re: No uhd option to rent on store

Nope there's no option at the moment to rent in uhd, looks like sky store has taken the option down. 


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