Discussion topic: Sky Q box - some channels no signal but still recording?!

This message was authored by Georgiechelsea This message was authored by: Georgiechelsea

Sky Q box - some channels no signal but still recording?!

My Sky Q box has either a "no signal" or "problem with signal" error on only a few channels.. 


All is working fine on Sky Go despite my tv settings having a cross next to Sky Go, but a tick next to signal (that should be the other way around).. 


So I selected record for a show on channel four that I couldnt watch due to "no signal", from my Sky Go app..


Lo and behold the show has now started and has recorded to my tv! 

So a channel with "no signal" has recorded a show to the tv somehow! 

A good temporary fix I've stumbled on but does anyone know if I *really* need a call out to an engineer as every solution I've seen so far for only some channels having no signal is apparently definitely due to the dish being out of alignment... is that really the only possible reason only some channels have no signal?! 



All Replies

This message was authored by xenon81 This message was authored by: xenon81

Re: Sky Q box - some channels no signal but still recording?!

For the main 5 channels, setting a recording using Sky Go app will often record the SD versions rather than HD, so that may be why your recording works.


Dish alignment is the most common cause of no signal issues, and generally only affects certain channels rather than every channel, so an engineer visit would be the best thing to do.

This message was authored by Daniel0210 This message was authored by: Daniel0210

Re: Sky Q box - some channels no signal but still recording?!

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

The ”No signal” message you've mentioned tends to be a message from your TV (in which case check the cables going to the TV). A “no satellite signal” message relates to your Sky box.

If it displays no satellite signal take a look at the troubleshooting here
It may then give you the opportunity to arrange an engineer to check the alignment of your dish. If you’re on a communal dish system in the UK you’ll have to contact your landlord or building management company rather than Sky.

▪️I AM NOT A SKY EMPLOYEE (undercover or otherwise) ▪️
Sky customer since 2001
with: Sky Q | Sky Superfast Broadband | Sky Talk | Sky Mobile
NOTE: I only provide help on the forums and NOT via PM
Topic Author
This message was authored by Georgiechelsea This message was authored by: Georgiechelsea

Re: Sky Q box - some channels no signal but still recording?!

Thanks that very helpful! It does indeed say no satellite signal - I've had my box for about four years so it may be that I just need a new one as it's never had issues before 


I'll call Sky, thanks again that's very helpful to point out the difference between no signal and no satellite signal 

This message was authored by Chodley This message was authored by: Chodley

Re: Sky Q box - some channels no signal but still recording?!

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Georgiechelsea wrote:

Thanks that very helpful! It does indeed say no satellite signal - I've had my box for about four years so it may be that I just need a new one as it's never had issues before 


I'll call Sky, thanks again that's very helpful to point out the difference between no signal and no satellite signal 

Chances are very high of of dish being misaligned rather than a box issue based on your symptoms.

This message was authored by Invisiblename This message was authored by: Invisiblename

Re: Sky Q box - some channels no signal but still recording?!

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Georgiechelsea  I agree with @Chodley  that this sounds like a dish alignment issue - only needs to be a fraction off and you'll start losing channels.

I am just another Sky customer!
Topic Author
This message was authored by Georgiechelsea This message was authored by: Georgiechelsea

Re: Sky Q box - some channels no signal but still recording?!

So here's what the issue was and how we finally fixed it! 
It was the exterior grey box thing that houses communal cables from the roof to the box then into each flat... *and* the communal arial needed to be realigned. 

in order to fix it, someone from Sky came, then our buildings arial man came (as Sky can't touch communal arials), then Sky came again to fix a missing link getting to our flat from the exterior wall box thing. He had a device that measures signal which was green, then a block of red, then green (the red indicating where the signal for missing channels has gone amiss). He had to drill a hole in the exterior box (which Sky, not the landlord or building management have jurisdiction over). 

all was fixed! 

I think we just had the bad luck of something go wrong with the grey exterior box *and* the arial on the roof at the same time 


PS by logic I would that as the roof arial was realigned correctly and it still wasn't fixed until the grey box thing was fixed, then it was predominantly an issue with the grey box rather than a 'simple' misalignment of the roof arial 


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