25 Apr 2024 06:57 PM
Why does Hayu keep freezing, signed up through sky.
25 Apr 2024 07:41 PM
Hi @deadliestcatch,
Try refreshing your apps.
To refresh the apps in the Hidden menu, follow these steps:
1. Press the Home button and navigate down to Settings without selecting it.
2. While Settings is highlighted, press 0 0 1 Select.
3. Choose Apps.
4. Highlight "Refresh all Apps on this box."
5. You'll see a message confirming that your apps are being refreshed, which will remain on screen until you press Dismiss to return to normal viewing.
It's recommended to wait at least 5 minutes before doing so.
Note that the refresh process can take up to 24 hours to complete.
25 Apr 2024 11:32 PM
Have already tried that.
04 Aug 2024 09:18 PM
I'm having the same issue and I have Sky Glass so cant refresh the app as directed above.
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