Discussion topic: item to buy in the sky mobile

This message was authored by davebehave This message was authored by: davebehave

item to buy in the sky mobile

Right SKY i love to know why you seem to have to charge SKY CUSTORMERS more money for items say for like the apple pencil if you go straight to apple and buy the apple pencil gen 2 it costs £119 but if you come to sky where i bought the apple ipad and i have my contract with my apple iphone with the same apple pencil gen 2 costs wait for it everyone £139 and sky make it sound like im getting a great big deal by using some of my saved gbs by using 10gbs if i dont use the 10gbs it costs £144 hang on sky apple only charge £119 and if you look at argos currys and even the catalouges online in the uk sell it at the same price they only chare interest if you dont pay within the time limit set so how on earth do you sell it at such a high price and you make it out we are getting a good deal is this why the phone deals seem so cheap ?


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This message was authored by Daniel0210 This message was authored by: Daniel0210

Re: item to buy in the sky mobile

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

You aren’t talking to Sky as this is primarily a customer helps customer forum so there’ll be no contact from Sky as a result of you posting on here. We obviously have no insight into Skys pricing policies. 

Sky customer since 2001
with: Sky Q | Sky Superfast Broadband | Sky Talk | Sky Mobile
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This message was authored by 63johnw This message was authored by: 63johnw

Re: item to buy in the sky mobile

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Hi @davebehave  as mentioned by @Daniel0210  we don't know skys pricing policy, if you can find items cheaper elsewhere then just go elsewhere, that's the benefit of being able to shop around. 

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This message was authored by davebehave This message was authored by: davebehave

Re: item to buy in the sky mobile

I know this but what has angered me and it is why I have notified others here is the fact every other retailer is selling the Apple products the same prices as Apple and further to that sky are trying to make it look as if we are getting a really good deal by using our unused data to lower the price of the product and yet it's still dearer to what you would pay else where and a lot of people might not know this if had not brought this too there attention it's a really bad ripoff and I will be asking sky two questions one why the higher prices and also why there is no email form to fill in so you can ask questions like this to sky so they can actually get back to the customers with the correct answers lol 😂 


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