Discussion topic: No outgoing text or calls since transfered number in.

This message was authored by jez6 This message was authored by: jez6

No outgoing text or calls since transfered number in.

Hi I transfered my number in a few days ago and can no longer can make any calls or send texts, I can receive txts but not calls.


I am in poor health and awaiting calls from hospital and my doctor tommorow, who do I nead to call email to get this fixed was working fine before I ported in my number. I dont have acess to any other telephone.


I have a basic nokia phone so theirs no settings to check.


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This message was authored by DanaA This message was authored by: DanaA

Re: No outgoing text or calls since transfered number in.

Absolutely shocking! Same issues for 2 weeks now and im getting no answers jusy assured to wait another 48 hours ! Still no resolution - the service is terrible !


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