Discussion topic: Cannot activate sim

This message was authored by Angie1959 This message was authored by: Angie1959

Cannot activate sim

My dad currently has a sky mobile account and has ordered ordered a new sim off his account for my moms phone. My mom has set up an account with yourself but is unable to link her skyId to the account as it says the information is not recognised. 
Is this because you cannot have 2 sim cards on the same account or another reason? 


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This message was authored by 63johnw This message was authored by: 63johnw

Re: Cannot activate sim

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Hi @Angie1959  you can have up to 7 sims on one account but if your dad ordered the phone it will be on his account, it can't then go on her account. 

If someone has helped give them a thumbs up.

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I won’t respond to direct messages so please post any problems on the forum.

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