15 Jan 2023 10:11 PM
My sky glass remote will not work, I've put new batteries in, I've turned it off by the wall, I've rebooted the tv and remote but nothing I've held 7 and 9 as well as 1 and 3 but nothing is working. The light isn't even flashing or turning on
16 Jan 2023 06:11 AM
I had the same problem with a new dead remote. I had asked Sky to send a replacement when I came across someone who said they held the remote top and bottom and twisted it a couple of times......which worked. I thought this was a little weird but gave it a go. It worked! Maybe it will for you.
16 Jan 2023 07:47 AM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out moreEven if it works it's still worth letting sky know and asking for a replacement
16 Jan 2023 08:56 AM
Posted by a Sky employeeHi there, I have escalated your post to our Community Messaging team who will invite you to a private chat shortly and help you with this.
Just look out for the blue bubble to start the conversation.
Here's more information on how Community Messaging works - https://helpforum.sky.com/t5/Did-you-know/Escalating-a-post-to-a-Sky-expert/ba-p/3711147
18 Jan 2023 08:57 AM
Posted by a Sky employeeHi Drip12
An invite was sent but there was no response within 48 hours so it has automatically closed.
If you still need help with this please let us know by posting on the forum again and we will get it escalated through to us.