16 Dec 2023 02:56 PM
Final query, it's funny how all the apps work perfectly well (Netflix, Apple TV, prime etc) just not the Sky streaming ones..
just didn't add up!
rant over!!
08 Jan 2024 08:02 PM
I am Sky TV Subscriber, on a sky glass with sky broadband on Openreach infrastructure. After a recent outage for 10 days due to a road accident. Broadband is now back up, but I can no longer connect my sky glass due to a 'technical issue' and 'limited service'! The most frustrating part for me, is going around in circles with the chat referrals and the calls to Sky help desk! I imagine, like me, trying to contact Sky is a final resort for a lot of people as it's just too painful! The contact us page is a broken link!! This is what makes me want to cancel!