Discussion topic: Keeps turning off the programme and returning to home screen

This message was authored by Wes1974 This message was authored by: Wes1974

Keeps turning off the programme and returning to home screen

Am watching a programme and it keeps tyrning off and returning to homescreen


All Replies

This message was authored by Fothergill1 This message was authored by: Fothergill1

Re: Keeps turning off the programme and returning to home screen

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Wes1974  There is probably a software glitch which can usually be resolved by rebooting your Glass TV.  Switch off your Glass at the plug socket and wait for a minute before switching it on again.  It will take about a minute to reboot.

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Topic Author
This message was authored by Wes1974 This message was authored by: Wes1974

Re: Keeps turning off the programme and returning to home screen

I have done all that literally get to watch 5 mins of a programme and it just reverts to homescreen have done a refresh and still same issue

This message was authored by Fothergill1 This message was authored by: Fothergill1

Re: Keeps turning off the programme and returning to home screen

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Wes1974 Now we know a simple reboot hasn't resolved your problem I have esclated your post to the Sky Community Messaging Team who will send you an invitation for an online chat.


The link below explains how the procedure works



Keep a look out for the speech chat bubble that will appear on the bottom left of your screen when you are logged onto this forum (you will need to refresh your browser from time to time until you see the chat bubble). When the blue bubble does appear you have 48 hours to respond or the chat will be automatically closed.  Note replies from Sky are not instant so you will need to regularly check the chat thread.

If my post has solved your issue please mark as an "Answer"
If it has helped please give it a "Like"
This message was authored by Addie15 This message was authored by: Addie15

Re: Keeps turning off the programme and returning to home screen

Posted by a Sky employee

Hi there! Thank you for escalating this. We have sent an invite to @Wes1974.

This message was authored by Tom-W19 This message was authored by: Tom-W19

Re: Keeps turning off the programme and returning to home screen

Posted by a Sky employee

Hi @Wes1974 


A private chat was started but there was no response within 48 hours so it has automatically closed.

If you still need help with this please let us know by posting on the forum again and we will get it escalated through to us.

Topic Author
This message was authored by Wes1974 This message was authored by: Wes1974

Re: Keeps turning off the programme and returning to home screen

I had no chat bubble come up my end so not really sure what i can do at the moment i feel like im paying for a sub standard service and not really happy my daughter is autistic and gets very upset when it keeps happening 

This message was authored by Nothappy61 This message was authored by: Nothappy61

Re: Keeps turning off the programme and returning to home screen

Had skyglass 1 week all week it just comes off a programme we are watching and goes to homescreen, have tried off at plug and wait and switch on buy nothing works

i see from forum it has been happening for years and nothing is done about it



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