Discussion topic: HDMI-CEC remote issues. What am I missing ?

This message was authored by G_Tea This message was authored by: G_Tea

HDMI-CEC remote issues. What am I missing ?

Hello All, 


Recently got a 65" Sky glass on the promise of increased WAF (less boxes and wires etc).  Unfortunately I've run into an inexplicable problem, none of the hdmi connected devices are usable with the remote....HELP!   My Nvidia Shield and GoogleTV is now non-responsive with the remote and the same with my AV system, less wires but more remotes = less WAF.   Interestingly the Nvidia Shield app controls the AV so the HDMI-CEC is working i.e shield is controlling the AV through the sky glass HDMI-CEC.  


Thanks for any help

Gtea his demanding spouse


All Replies

This message was authored by Exiled-in-HH This message was authored by: Exiled-in-HH

Re: HDMI-CEC remote issues. What am I missing ?

If you wanted less wires why are you connecting boxes etc?

Exiled in HH
Topic Author
This message was authored by G_Tea This message was authored by: G_Tea

Re: HDMI-CEC remote issues. What am I missing ?

Super helpful, thx.

This message was authored by Exiled-in-HH This message was authored by: Exiled-in-HH

Re: HDMI-CEC remote issues. What am I missing ?

Well...  a consequence of more devices and hence wires is more remotes😉

Exiled in HH
Topic Author
This message was authored by G_Tea This message was authored by: G_Tea

Re: HDMI-CEC remote issues. What am I missing ?

To expand,

My setup is 'appartment minimalist', the white glass TV is on a custom 4 legged stand in the middle of the room,  next to some nice white KEF bookshelves with all the additional electronics in a 'rack' disguised on the back of the TV.  The AV setup elsewhere.   I've only got 3 discreet wires into my setup, the power cable, a super thin fibre optic cable (I swapped out ethernet for sfp around my apparent) and an optical hdmi for the AV, also super thin, so looks like effectively 1 cable that disappears into the floor..the glass allowed me to take out the Arial cable....minimalism is priority!  Now I have 3 remotes on my coffee table and it's hurting my karma 😉 ...1st world problems I know, but I don't know why the sky glass is not controlling my hdmi components when TVs for the last 10 years seem to have been able to do it...which makes me think I'm missing something.  So any help would be great.




This message was authored by Exiled-in-HH This message was authored by: Exiled-in-HH

Re: HDMI-CEC remote issues. What am I missing ?

Do you have the expectation of full functionality control of the AV, Google TV and Nvidia Shield using the Glass TV remote?

Exiled in HH

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