Discussion topic: Connectivity for sound

This message was authored by Jugdish1983 This message was authored by: Jugdish1983

Connectivity for sound

I am trying to connect Sky glass TV to my dvd player to get surround sound for TV sound. Used eARC HDMI for connecting, still no sound. Please advise

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This message was authored by OldMark This message was authored by: OldMark

Re: Connectivity for sound

The HDMI socket on the DVD player is probably for output only. Does the DVD player connect to an amplifier? If so ypu could get a bluetooth receiver (usb powered) that would plug into the Aux socket on the amp and connect the Glass to the bluetooth device.

Sky Glass, Naim Audio, Cottage in the Pennines, 1 dog, 2 cats, & me!
This message was authored by Ali+Oldfield This message was authored by: Ali+Oldfield

Re: Connectivity for sound

Did you get this resolved? I've been talking to sky for out a month trying to sort this to no avail


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