Discussion topic: Can’t get tv guide

This message was authored by Maurs1 This message was authored by: Maurs1

Can’t get tv guide

Hello I can’t get tv guide . I’ve switched on and off, I’ve tried the voice command, I’ve tried switching the hub off and on . When I press the voice command it says I can’t . Please can you help


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This message was authored by MarkGoldsmith This message was authored by: MarkGoldsmith

Re: Can’t get tv guide

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Try unplugging it for 10 minutes and see if the TV Guide will load the .

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This message was authored by Maurs1 This message was authored by: Maurs1

Re: Can’t get tv guide

Hi  thanks for the reply.

I have done that and I'm afraid nothing changed .

I've done everything so far that is listed on here that's why I'm trying to contact sky but they keep sending me to the sky community

This message was authored by raeem This message was authored by: raeem

Re: Can’t get tv guide

I'm having the same issue but can't even use the remote for voice command.  This started  yesterday for me too.  Is anyone else having similar problems?


Would no microphone be a hardware problem?


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