Re: Re: How to send Thanks to Sky - Status changed to: Mission Accomplished

Issue with broadband Superfast activation - Solved by excellent broadband advisor, Freya (sp?)
My Superfast broadband didn't activate correctly on Thursday 10th September. After speaking to two advisors on the Thursday and one on Friday and a fourth on Saturday 12th September, thankfully I was finally passed on to Freya (circa 6pm).
Freya did exactly what i needed her to do. She listened carefully, understood the issue and my frustration quickly, and did what the previous 4 advisors I had spoken to about it didn't do.. She OWNED the issue. This is what I had needed each previous advisor to do but they hadn't so each time the call ended I was back where I started.

Freya understood quickly the problem (the fact that openreach had patched my internet upgrade incorrectly at the exchange or cabinet) and knew instantly that I would need a 'multi task/multi skilled engineer' to resolve the issue. She booked this in at the earliest (next day) opportunity and promised me she would call me back after his visit to check all was ok.

Additionally, she offered compensation as we (wife wfh!) had been without internet for 5-6 days).

All agents should learn from Freya in terms of how she 'owned' the issue and how she did everything in her power to fully understand the problem and everything that was needed it to resolve it asap (versus other agents' "it should work by midnight" or "press the reset button again".

It was obvious that the openreach engineers had wired something wrong (diagnostic tests were saying I had devices (that I didn't or had never owned) connected even when router was switched off) but only this excellent agent recognised this and 'stayed with' the issue and me until it was resolved.

She did an excellent job and fully restored my faith in sky and their staff. She would be a great manager or senior advisor I think as she seemed to have a deeper knowledge or understanding of the technology but also the customer service level that is not good but excellent. Thank you very much Freya, excellent work.

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Status changed to: Mission Accomplished

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