Discussion topic: Phillips HUE Bridge not Connecting to Sky Hub

This message was authored by Caitlin32 This message was authored by: Caitlin32

Phillips HUE Bridge not Connecting to Sky Hub

I am currently trying to set up a Phillips HUE Bridge to control my Smart Lights however I keep getting the 3rd Blue light on the bridge continually flashing and not staying steady.


I have tried:

1) Log into wifi via the log in page online

2) going to 5GHz and unticking this box 

3) Changing the SSID name 

4) then pressing apply where the settings save and I am not prompted to reboot so i unplugged router and then replug in. Online showing that the settings are applied but the blue light continues to flash.


any help would be appreciated as I am going crazy trying to sort this!!


All Replies

This message was authored by tjhyde83 This message was authored by: tjhyde83

Re: Phillips HUE Bridge not Connecting to Sky Hub

Is the Hue hub plugged directly into the Sky Hub? Hue hubs need to be connected via ethernet cable and are not capable of connecting wirelessly without additional hardware.

Topic Author
This message was authored by Caitlin32 This message was authored by: Caitlin32

Re: Phillips HUE Bridge not Connecting to Sky Hub

Yes, the HUE bridge is connected via an Ethernet cable to the back of the hub.

This message was authored by TimmyBGood This message was authored by: TimmyBGood

Re: Phillips HUE Bridge not Connecting to Sky Hub

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Caitlin32 wrote:


3) Changing the SSID name 


Do you now see the modified SSID when you tell a device to look for local wireless networks? 


If it isn't appearing then the change wasn't applied successfully, which is commonly caused by using the Safari browser from an Apple device to administer the Hub.

* * * * * * *

Sky Glass 55" (on ethernet) & two Stream Pucks (one ethernet / one WiFi)
BT Halo 3+ Ultrafast FTTP (500Mbs), BT Smart Hub 2
Topic Author
This message was authored by Caitlin32 This message was authored by: Caitlin32

Re: Phillips HUE Bridge not Connecting to Sky Hub

Yes I changed the SSID and I no longer see the common sky name when I tell a device to look for WiFi. I read that apple devices actually caused issues when working within so I used a windows laptop and a google pixel where I could see the changes had been applied 

This message was authored by turlandm This message was authored by: turlandm

Re: Phillips HUE Bridge not Connecting to Sky Hub

Do we have any updates on this and the solution - we have the same issue with third light blinking and app unable to find the bridge 

Topic Author
This message was authored by Caitlin32 This message was authored by: Caitlin32

Re: Phillips HUE Bridge not Connecting to Sky Hub

Hi , yes I managed to get it fixed. I went into the router settings via the IP address on a non Apple device and then disabled the WiFi access point in the 5GHz settings and then rebooted the router and the app seemed to pick up the bridge. In regards to connecting bulbs once I had the app set up I used the serial number to help with connection hope this helps 

This message was authored by turlandm This message was authored by: turlandm

Re: Phillips HUE Bridge not Connecting to Sky Hub

Did this stop the lighting blinking as well 

Topic Author
This message was authored by Caitlin32 This message was authored by: Caitlin32

Re: Phillips HUE Bridge not Connecting to Sky Hub

The light blinking is mostly just the bulb trying to connect into the "hue portal"

This message was authored by turlandm This message was authored by: turlandm

Re: Phillips HUE Bridge not Connecting to Sky Hub

Thanks but need this to connect so trying to find out if your solution also stopped the blinking etc or do I need to do anything else 

This message was authored by turlandm This message was authored by: turlandm

Re: Phillips HUE Bridge not Connecting to Sky Hub

does any one have an update on this as im clearly doing something wrong - bridge third light flashing all the time - app on my apple phone can not find the bridge but i can find it on my lap top and have an ip address !!! seam to be going round in circles so any help would be appricated 


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