Discussion topic: Is it possible to move the fibre cable underground?

This message was authored by GeorgiosA This message was authored by: GeorgiosA

Is it possible to move the fibre cable underground?

Hi everyone,


we had full fibre installed in the house. There is underground infructructure from the pole to the house, which was used for normal broadband and phone but the engineer installing the fibre cable didn't use it and installed it overground.


Is it possible to be moved underground?


Thank you


All Replies

This message was authored by cookiemonsteruk This message was authored by: cookiemonsteruk

Re: Is it possible to move the fibre cable underground?

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more



Once openreach decide on an overhead connection there is littlewthat can be done unfortunately

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This message was authored by TimmyBGood This message was authored by: TimmyBGood

Re: Is it possible to move the fibre cable underground?

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more



That would indicate the local optical deployment is based on pole rather than pavement CBTs (connectorised block terminals) so there probably isn't an alternative short of paying the whole cost of FTTPOD ('on demand') to the address which could be tens of thousands of pounds in the unlikely event that Openreach would even entertain such a request.

* * * * * * *

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