Discussion topic: I can not connect my tv to my hub.

This message was authored by Angie+2020 This message was authored by: Angie+2020

I can not connect my tv to my hub.

I am trying to connect my smart tv to the sky hub, when I put in the password, which I know is right it says it's wrong and try again. 


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This message was authored by Highlinder This message was authored by: Highlinder

Re: I can not connect my tv to my hub.

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Angie+2020  I had an issue last night trying to re-connect a laptop with the given said password and it would not connect. I had to make a slight change to the password and it then let the laptop connect, but this change knocked all my other devices on Wi-Fi.


But I then disconnected it from the laptop and changed the password back to what it was and it connected without issue with the old password.


So it might be an idea to change your password just slightly by one digit and see if it will then connect. If it does then disconnect it and change it back to the old one and see if it will then connect.



Just a suggestion.

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