Discussion topic: Getting a 'Technical Error' when I click my new address to set up a package

This message was authored by oliltfc This message was authored by: oliltfc

Getting a 'Technical Error' when I click my new address to set up a package



I'm moving into a new build home next week and I'm trying to set up a broadband package, when I put my post code in the address shows up but when I click it and go to move on I constantly get a Technical Error and can't go any further.


All Replies

This message was authored by Skull+Treaty This message was authored by: Skull+Treaty

Re: Getting a 'Technical Error' when I click my new address to set up a package

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more


May be worth giving Sky, call 0333-759-1583 from any other phone, if you're in ROI, the number is 08-18-50-019-2.
When calling, ignore the message at the beginning and stay on the phone as long as you can. If the system sends a text message and asks you to hang up, don't.
If asked for the reason of the call, just say speak to advisor or cancel, nothing else. Finally you should be put in the queue for an advisor.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"Sometimes, the only choices you have are bad ones, but you still have to choose"
This message was authored by Mr+Slant This message was authored by: Mr+Slant

Re: Getting a 'Technical Error' when I click my new address to set up a package

On a new-build property in the UK that normally indicates Openreach haven't connected it/updated their database yet.


Have you been in the property recently? If so does it have an ONT installed and are all the lights green?

Topic Author
This message was authored by oliltfc This message was authored by: oliltfc

Re: Getting a 'Technical Error' when I click my new address to set up a package

We'll be at the property on Monday so I'll have a look.


I did think it might not have been registered yet so I'll have to find out, hopefully it won't take too long to sort out.

This message was authored by Mr+Slant This message was authored by: Mr+Slant

Re: Getting a 'Technical Error' when I click my new address to set up a package

What does it say here if you put in the address :




If all the Openreach work is complete it should say this just below the table of products :


ONT exists with no active service. A spare port is available. A new ONT may be ordered.



Topic Author
This message was authored by oliltfc This message was authored by: oliltfc

Re: Getting a 'Technical Error' when I click my new address to set up a package

Looks like the work may have not been finished.


It says we cannot determine broadband availability at this location.


It's weird though as some of the houses on the street are already lived in. I'll have to make a few calls and see.

This message was authored by Mr+Slant This message was authored by: Mr+Slant

Re: Getting a 'Technical Error' when I click my new address to set up a package

If it says that then Openreach haven't started any work to connect the property & you won't be able to order broadband this side of xmas


I know this from experience from earlier in the year.


It'll say "we cannot determine broadband availability at this location" then "network expansion work in progress" (or similar) then "ONT exists with no active service. A spare port is available. A new ONT may be ordered."


The fact there are other houses connected/lived in is irrelevant I'm afraid, that's the way new builds work.


For Openreach FTTP there are 32 (usually sequential addresses) properties connected to one CBT, then the next 32 go on another CBT etc etc. Could be you're on the next CBT, could just be that your property hasn't been connected due to groundworks (underground ducting) there happening later.


On this road there's maybe 30 completed properties on the database, 10 complete build but work not completed by Openreach, 25-30 more listed but showing as "new-build not complete" and the first houses connected here were over a year ago. All the houses here have Virgin FTTP as well and their internal database says much the same.


I think you'll have to wait until the New Year before you get any connection.....

Topic Author
This message was authored by oliltfc This message was authored by: oliltfc

Re: Getting a 'Technical Error' when I click my new address to set up a package

Yeah that's what I thought to be honest, annoying but I guess it is what it is, thanks for your information and help anyway.


I'll see if I can find out when the work is due to be completed.

This message was authored by Mr+Slant This message was authored by: Mr+Slant

Re: Getting a 'Technical Error' when I click my new address to set up a package

Ours showed as ONT exists with no active service. A spare port is available. A new ONT may be ordered. about a week before we exchanged contracts on the purchase but the house had been complete for about a month before that.


Even then it took about two weeks after we got the keys for Sky to setup the connection/send the router which is pretty standard as there's a 14 day cooloff/cancellation period mandated by Ofcom on consumer services from placing the order until it goes live.


I suspect you're probably looking at mid to end January before you have an internet connection via FTTP given xmas/Openreach backlog due to strikes/weather. Given its a new-build its a different Openreach team who deal with installs and they're pretty fast so maybe not that long as they shouldn't be dealing with repairs etc.


Get a 4G router/cheap mobile service to tide you over if you haven't already. There's plenty of choice on a rolling one month contract if you buy the router yourself.

Topic Author
This message was authored by oliltfc This message was authored by: oliltfc

Re: Getting a 'Technical Error' when I click my new address to set up a package

I'll have a look at 4G routers now, is there any you would recommend?

This message was authored by Mr+Slant This message was authored by: Mr+Slant

Re: Getting a 'Technical Error' when I click my new address to set up a package

Its tricky recommending 4G/5G routers as its highly dependent on what the chosen providers signal/bands in use are at a specific location. If the location has good/excellent coverage then you can get away with fairly cheap routers, if not then you're looking at more expensive kit.


www.cellmapper.net has a map with phone masts shown on it. You can select various UK providers and it'll show you what masts/bands are in use & also what direction/area the antennae cover. It also often has details like maximum speed observed so that's probably a good place to start.

This message was authored by Chrisee This message was authored by: Chrisee

Re: Getting a 'Technical Error' when I click my new address to set up a package

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@oliltfc the online system does that when they are specific issues like needing a new line which needs explaining and you agreeing to accept. Call Sky and they will talk you through what needs to be done.


However if your new build does not have the connection fully installed (an Openreach ONT box installed and connected in the property) you may have a delay. Most new builds go straight onto fibre to the home check with the developer what if any network they have installed or contracted with. Sky use Openreach's network and you can't buy their service over third party fibre.

65inch Sky Glass, 3 Sky Streaming Pucks, Sky Ultrafast + and Sky SR213(white Wifi Max hub) main Wifi from 3 TP-Link Deco M4 units in access point mode

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