Discussion topic: Switch to a previously used email account

This message was authored by Matt250 This message was authored by: Matt250

Switch to a previously used email account

I have recently re-signed with Sky after leaving and going to Virgin. I inadvertantly set up my new sky order (and therefoe an account) under my Virgin media email address which will expire after I leave Virgin. I therefore want to change my new account email address (@ntlworld.com) to my previously used one (@gmail.com) but it seems that Sky has kept this active even tho there's no products for the last 18month which is preventing me from being able to change my "new" account to my @Gmail.com email. Any thoughts?


Best Answers
This message was authored by caesarome This message was authored by: caesarome Answer

Re: Switch to a previously used email account

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

All you should need to do is to login to your previous Sky account and remove the email address from it as doing so should then free it up allowing it to then be used to replace your ntlworld one in your new account.

If someone has helped you then please click on the LIKES button in their post.
If you need help please provide as much information as you can

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This message was authored by caesarome This message was authored by: caesarome Answer

Re: Switch to a previously used email account

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

All you should need to do is to login to your previous Sky account and remove the email address from it as doing so should then free it up allowing it to then be used to replace your ntlworld one in your new account.

If someone has helped you then please click on the LIKES button in their post.
If you need help please provide as much information as you can

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