Discussion topic: Charged £22+ for service calls that were never made

This message was authored by Northern71 This message was authored by: Northern71

Charged £22+ for service calls that were never made

Just seen my sister's Sky bill in my bank app, and shocked to see a rise of over £22. I ch (I pay for it), and checked in Sky.com, and it says there were three itemised 'service calls' made within 20 minutes of each other to a  number starting 09, calls apparently in total lasting around 5 minutes and costing £22, around midnight.


They don't even ever have the landline phone plugged in, so we know the calls are not genuine, there are never any calls made on it as they have their own non-Sky mobiles.


I'm hoping this is something Sky will quickly be able to rectify and pay the money back, we are already been fleeced for the pathetic broadband service that rarely reaches 10mb, and this would be the final straw for leaving.


Very frustrating. 




All Replies

This message was authored by Lisa-P1987 This message was authored by: Lisa-P1987

Re: Charged £22+ for service calls that were never made

Posted by a Sky employee

Do they have any sort of care alarm, home alarm system that might do a call?


Lisa - Sky Tech Team Expert
This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: Charged £22+ for service calls that were never made

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Your sister (or you, if you are authorised) will need to give Sky a call and raise it with them.


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