Discussion topic: Cannot access Sky Rewards - an error occurs

Topic Author
This message was authored by SkyUser7 This message was authored by: SkyUser7

Re: Cannot access Sky Rewards - an error occurs


A little ironic to say the least you were sent to this thread where we were yet to get to a solution!

So I have followed up and rung Sky this morning - note second time Saturday AM where I have got straight through. The guy was very helpful and aware there had been a number of people experiencing this problem and put through the claim for the vouchers on my behalf.

Furthermore he said that there had been more success resolving problems with access from the mysky app. I had already installed this to try before I am sure but tried to access the rewards as am also entitled to Vue cinema tickets and actually managed to get to these despite still having the issue via web browser access. Suggestion was to delete and reinstall the app if there were problems.

Regardless I ask him to escalate the issue with the web browser access and he agreed to do this.

Hope this may help others get to a resolution.

This message was authored by Alidebbe This message was authored by: Alidebbe

Re: Cannot access Sky Rewards - an error occurs

Exactly this ...he did explain that I needed to look out for a sky expert to comment on the post as then that would indicate it would be resolved at that point and I was to try the link daily.  For anyone else having problems with this he said to ring back after a week if I still couldn't access the vouchers a credit could be added to my account...ironic as I was offered  the vouchers after the debacle of  constant phone calls to them after the newly installed fibre that took weeks to sort is still not running at guaranteed speed a whole lot of the time and drops out completely several times a day. I've already had an engineer out after the 14 days 'settlement period had lapsed...all day yesterday was getting speeds of between 25 and 84...guaranteed is supposed to be 100mbs. 😞😮😖 just done another speed test ...56 ...so fed up😣☹️😖😤

This message was authored by Alidebbe This message was authored by: Alidebbe

Re: Cannot access Sky Rewards - an error occurs

Update ...got straight through on phone earlier... engineer coming on Wednesday...again...another hour and a half of my life I won't get back (lost about 6 hours this week)  re voucher s ..this guy said he's resending a link ...not arrived yet...we will see 

This message was authored by anideind This message was authored by: anideind

Re: Cannot access Sky Rewards - an error occurs

I just tried signing out and back in on my phone and tablet but still get the same error. 

Topic Author
This message was authored by SkyUser7 This message was authored by: SkyUser7

Re: Cannot access Sky Rewards - an error occurs

Hoping the voucher will appear in my email in the next week or so. Will confirm if they arrive successfully.

Topic Author
This message was authored by SkyUser7 This message was authored by: SkyUser7

Re: Cannot access Sky Rewards - an error occurs

Maybe try the mysky app. That seemed to work for me to get to the rewards in the end. If you already have it and it doesn't work it was suggested to delete and reinstall and see if that works.

This message was authored by Alidebbe This message was authored by: Alidebbe

Re: Cannot access Sky Rewards - an error occurs

Same as for me..I've tried everything even with an advisor on the phone 

This message was authored by Swairtah80 This message was authored by: Swairtah80

Re: Cannot access Sky Rewards - an error occurs

I am having the same issue. Offered Tesco vouchers as compensation. Received them via email. Click on them, sign into account but comes up with "whoops there has been an issue". 

Same technical fault as above. 

This message was authored by Swairtah80 This message was authored by: Swairtah80

Re: Cannot access Sky Rewards - an error occurs

I fiddled around last night between the app and desktop site, and on a few of the clicks I made (on desktop site clicking account, then my details) there was a very quick screen that flashed up for around a second each time saying "we have found an old account linked to this account - click here to unlink it" UNLINK THE OLD ACCOUNT TO ENJOY THE BENEFITS ON YOUR NEW ACCOUNT - but then it kept dissappearing, but I did manage to screen shot it somehow.  So I will be calling up today to get someone at Sky to unlink my old account.  All i want is to see and spend my Tesco vouchers - shouldn't be this difficult!

This message was authored by Alidebbe This message was authored by: Alidebbe

Re: Cannot access Sky Rewards - an error occurs

An update the sky user I spoke to at the weekend agreed to resend the voucher ..low and behold yesterday I got an email to link that works ...so I now have got my vouchers for£15 ..I recommend ringing them back and asking for link to be resent ...it was from someone called Edenred 😊

Topic Author
This message was authored by SkyUser7 This message was authored by: SkyUser7

Re: Cannot access Sky Rewards - an error occurs

Just to confirm the sky vouchers arrived via email after the call to sky. As has been stated note that will be in an email from edenred not sky or Tesco.

Now I seem to have rewards access via the mysky app I have finally managed to also get the Vue cinema vouchers that are offered each month.

This message was authored by Alidebbe This message was authored by: Alidebbe

Re: Cannot access Sky Rewards - an error occurs

Sorry I meant the sky ADVISOR I spoke to at the weekend resent a link to claim vouchers... under email username Edenred. Hope everyone manages to get their vouchers ☺️

This message was authored by Alidebbe This message was authored by: Alidebbe

Re: Cannot access Sky Rewards - an error occurs

Glad you got yours sorted ...I hope everyone else perseveres and gets them too 😊

Topic Author
This message was authored by SkyUser7 This message was authored by: SkyUser7

Re: Cannot access Sky Rewards - an error occurs

Hi all, 

just to make you aware the issue with access to sky rewards seems to have been resolved so maybe the problem did get escalated in the end. I now can access from both my phone and tablet. Ironically for rewards it points you immediately to the mysky app so maybe they have decided that is the only reliable way to get to the rewards content now.

This message was authored by Misslyn11 This message was authored by: Misslyn11

Re: Cannot access Sky Rewards - an error occurs

Having the same issue, called sky again, resent link but still same issue.  Not very impressed with the out of country call handlers as they just follow a script without much understanding, and just wanting a good review. 


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